What’s that you say? You need an all-natural dental chew for your dog? The Veggie Ear sounds like a delicious solution for removing plaque and tartar from your dog’s teeth. These veggie-based treats are made.... Show Details
What’s that you say? You need an all-natural dental chew for your dog? The Veggie Ear sounds like a delicious solution for removing plaque and tartar from your dog’s teeth. These veggie-based treats are made with only six primary ingredients and work hard to reduce bacteria and freshen your dog’s breath.
- Vegetarian, Low fat, gluten-free, meat-free
- Great for dogs with food sensitivities.
- Less mess and smell than meat ears!
- More grooves to promote healthy mouths by preventing plaque, tartar, and bad breath
- Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, plus fiber to aid good digestion
- Produced sustainably with no artificial ingredients, colors, flavors or preservatives or GMOs
- Sized for medium-large dogs 9 months and older