Get obsessed with protein-rich animal ingredients and fibre-rich wholesome grains in ACANA™ Healthy Grains™! Our ACANA Healthy Grains Puppy Sea & Farm Recipe is a poultry-free recipe specially crafted to support your puppy’s development with raw wild-caught salmon and Yorkshire pork. It’s also balanced with healthy grains in the form of oats, sorghum and millet. These grains are high in fibre and gluten-free, offering added nutrition that helps support a healthy digestive environment. Our Puppy Sea & Farm Recipe is crafted with 65% protein-rich animal ingredients* balanced with 35% wholesome grains, vegetables, fruit, botanicals and nutrients**. Plus, it helps support key health benefits for your puppy including Brain Development and Muscle and Bone Development. Help support your puppy’s growth and development with a nutritious and delicious protein-rich food.
- Brain Development: EPA & DHA from salmon helps support your puppy's developing brain
- Immune Health: Antioxidant-rich ingredients plus added Vitamin E help support a healthy immune system
- Muscle & Bone Development: Protein and minerals from fish and pork help support growing bones and healthy muscle development
- Digestive Health: Fiber from wholesome grains, vegetables and fruit, plus a blend of probiotics, help support digestive health
*Approximate and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients.
**We also add essential vitamins and minerals, natural preservatives and probiotics. Our raw ingredients are frozen at their peak freshness.
Available Sizes: 1.8 KG / 10.2 KG
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